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Celebrate ICF 's 25th Anniversary

 You are at the heart of this achievement. Because of your tireless work, the many hours of studying, the support and partnership you offer your clients, and your commitment to the highest standards of professional and ethical practice in coaching, we have achieved this historic milestone as an organization.

In 1998, ICF’s credentialing program launched with 34 coach practitioners receiving the first-ever ICF Credentials. From 34 to 30,000, ICF Credential-holders have demonstrated the importance of high standards in coaching practice and the value of professional coaching in our world. By pursuing, earning and maintaining an ICF Credential, you demonstrate the value and integrity of what you’re offering to clients. You also show the world the value and integrity of the entire coaching profession. In a year of enormous challenges, the world needs coaching now more than ever.

As we celebrate this milestone, we celebrate the commitment, perseverance, and integrity of each ICF-credentialed coach who has made this possible. We celebrate you!